Golden Corner Family Practice
Family Medicine located in West Union, SC
Men's Health
One of the top 10 reasons men don’t go to the doctor: “There’s probably nothing wrong.” However, heart disease, cancer, and chronic respiratory diseases, like COPD are the top causes of death in men. Sometimes there are no symptoms in the early stages of a disease. Ensure your health. Call or book an appointment online today with Golden Corner Family Practice in West Union, South Carolina. Our expert, compassionate physicians can help keep you in good health.
Men's Health Q & A
Why should I get an annual physical exam?
Annual physical exams are the best preventive measure you can take to ensure your health. Early detection and treatment save lives. It’s your most important appointment all year.
What can I expect during an annual exam?
Overall CheckUp
When you go to Golden Corner Family Practice for an annual exam, your physician conducts a complete physical, which includes examining blood pressure, weight, height, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, throat, thyroid, chest, abdomen, and rectum. A nurse takes blood samples to ensure normal kidney, liver, and other body functions; a lab is on-site to analyze your blood samples.
What are age-appropriate screenings?
Research informs medical practice when men should start having screenings for specific conditions.
Colon Cancer
Colon cancer often has no symptoms in the early stages. That makes having a test for it all the more important. Your doctor refers you to specialists for tests such as a colonoscopy, which you should have beginning at age 50. However, if you have a family history of colon cancer, your doctor will recommend having the test earlier.
Prostate Cancer
At every physical exam, your doctor checks your prostate. If you’re 50 or older, your doctor will discuss the pros and cons of further prostate screening with you. African American men and men with a first-degree relative family history of prostate cancer should discuss screening at age 45.
Many, but not all, cases of prostate cancer grow slowly. Standard practice has changed over the years. Doctors today often recommend watching and waiting rather than surgery if the cancer is slow growing.
If you’re overweight, your doctor screens for diabetes. Some early symptoms may seem harmless, but diabetes can cause serious health complications. Early detection helps manage the disease. If you’re 45 or older and normal weight, screening should take place every three years, though, with an annual physical, your blood work can help detect signs of the disease.
What help is available for erectile dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction, or regular difficulty getting and maintaining an erection and have sexual intercourse, is treatable. There could be a medical cause, such as the constriction of blood vessels or nerves, or it could be psychological. Your doctor can refer you to a specialist if regular tests don’t find an abnormality.
Schedule your annual check-up today with Golden Corner Family Practice. Call or book an appointment online today.